A BUILDING PLOT for sale having OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION (Ref: B/22/0349) for a pair of semi-detached dwellings within the settlement boundary of Leake Commonside.
This infill plot fronts directly to Chapel Road and has an agricultural field directly behind.
The land is situated to the South East of the residential property, Aingarth, with direct road frontage to Chapel Road, within the settlement boundary of Leake Commonside forms part of the areas included in the civil parish of Old Leake. The site is situated to the South West of the main cluster of residential properties being on the verge of the countryside.
The site is a former garden area presently unused, having tree, planting and hedges. The site has been granted outline planning permission for a pair of semi-detached dwellings under planning application B/22/0349.
Through Bruce Mather Estate Agents: 01205 365032, sales@brucemather.co.uk
The agricultural field at the rear is not for sale.
All measurements are approximate. The services, fixtures and fittings have not been tested by the Agent.
All properties are offered subject to contract offered subject to not being previously sold or withdrawn; these particulars are issued on the understanding that all negotiations are conducted through Bruce Mather Limited.
Bruce Mather Limited for themselves and for Sellers of this property whose Agent they are give notice that:-
1) the particulars, whilst believed to be accurate, are set out as a general outline for intended buyers and do not constitute nor constitute part of any offer or contract.
2) All descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending Buyers should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their accuracy;
3) no person in the employment of Bruce Mather Limited has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.