Friskney, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Approx 2.5 Acres, 1 Ha of Grade 1 Arable Land in Friskney Village FOR SALE or FOR RENT (£845 per annum). The land is part of a sale of 4 PARCELS OF GRADE 1 LAND TOTALLING approx. 16.12 Acres, 6.52 Ha, situated around Friskney Village and provides a RARE OPPORTUNITY to purchase Quality Grade 1 Land. The property is offered for sale as a whole or in lots. Some of the parcels may also appeal for leisure usage, subject to the necessary consents.
The land is situated off Wrights Lane, the second field in from the track opposite the residence, Vina Sol House. The approximate postcode is PE22 8RW.
The land is classified as Grade 1 on the Agricultural Land Classification Map of England & Wales, sheet 114.
The available Lots are:-
Lot 1 Approx. 3.7 Acres, 1.5Ha of Grade 1 land, west of Field Lane. Title number LL321953;
Lot 2 Approx. 3.46 Acres, 1.4Ha of Grade 1 land off private road by Field Lane. title number LL320150
Lot 3 Approx. 4.56 Acres, 1.85 Ha of Grade 1 land off Wrights Lane. Title number LL320153;
Lot 4 Approx. 5.79 Acres, 2.34 Ha of Grade 1 land off Field Lane. Title number LL322043.
The land is freehold and sold with the benefit of vacant possession on completion of the purchase.
The land is also available to let on a Farm Business Tenancy for a period of up to 2 years. The rent will be paid in four equal instalments, in advance, two payments in each year. The rent to be paid in advance by Standing Order.
The successful applicant will be responsible to pay the expenses for the preparation of the Tenancy Agreement in the sum of £195 plus VAT, prior to the commencement of the tenancy.
The tenant will be responsible for the Witham Fourth District Internal Drainage Rates.
These are included in the sale in so far as they are owned but subject to any statutory exclusions.
There is no claim for tenantright nor dilapidations, if any. No environmental schemes entered into.
The land is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water, gas and electricity supplies and other rights and obligations, easements, quasi-easements and all wayleaves, whether or not referred to in the particulars of sale.
Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YS
Tel: 01522 881188
East Lindsey District Council, Tedder Hall, Manby Park, Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 8UP.
Tel: 01507 601111
Witham Forth District Internal Drainage Board, 47 Norfolk Street, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 6PP
Tel: 01205 310088
Anglian Water, Enterprise House, Witham Park, Waterside South, Lincoln LN5 7JE
Tel: 01522 341000.
We are not aware of the contents of any environmental audit or other environmental investigation or soil survey which may have been carried out on the property and which may draw attention to any contamination or the possibility of any such contamination. We have not carried out any investigation into past or present uses of either the property or of any neighbouring land to establish whether there is any potential for contamination from these uses or sites to the subject property.
We are informed there i no VAT in addition to the contract price. Should part of the sale of the land and property or any right attached to it become a chargeable supply for the purposes of VAT, such tax shall be payable by the purchaser(s) in addition to the contract price.
The plans have been prepared for identification purposes only and are not to scale.
All measurements are approximate.
All properties are offered subject to contract subject to not being previously sold or withdrawn; these particulars are issued on the understanding that all negotiations are conducted through Bruce Mather Limited.
Bruce Mather Limited for themselves and for Sellers of this property whose Agent they are give notice that:-
1)the particulars, whilst believed to be accurate, are set out as a general outline for intended buyers and do not constitute nor constitute part of any offer or contract; 2) All descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending Buyers or Tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their accuracy; 3) no person in the employment of Bruce Mather Limited has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
Strictly by appointment with the Agents, Bruce Mather Ltd. Tel: 01205 365032.